The Girl Who’s Now a Daddy



Headline: The Girl Who’s Now A Daddy

Image Descriptions

In the left picture, we see Erik with short, shaggy hair. He wears a wedding suit and tie, and looks into a crowd around him. To the right of him is his bride who wears a wedding dress, with her hair up in curls. She holds a bouquet of flowers. The caption reads: “Erik Schinegger, bridegroom, with bride Renate at their wedding.”

In the right picture, we see a close-up headshot of Erik with short, wavy, shaggy hair. He smiles at the camera. The caption reads: “Erika, the 1966 ski champion”

Article Text:

With her blue eyes and dark hair, baby Claire Schinegger is the image of her father. Nothing so unusual about that. But her birth has made history…

For her father was once a woman— a famous woman, in fact, Erika Schinegger, the world’s woman ski champion of 1966.

Now she— he— has found fame again, as the first sex-change man ever to father a baby.

Erika was barred from women’s skiing in 1969 when doctors ruled that, although outwardly a woman, she possessed far more male than female hormones.

She decided then to become a complete man. And after a series of operations at Innsbruck University clinic, the sex-change was complete. So complete that Erik— as he now was— eagerly courted girls, and with one of them, Renate Newhacher, he fell in love. She was a pupil at his ski-school in St. Urban, a village in southern Austria.

Their wedding in 1975 was itself a world sensation, and last month, two months premature, their history-making baby was born— 4 1/2 lbs. and 18 ins. long.



How could it happen? Erik is reluctant to go into details, but his wife Renate has spoken exclusively to the Sunday People about the sex-change surgeon’s explanation.

He said that Erik’s male organs, in tiny, undeveloped form, were found inside his body. Delicately, they were withdrawn— to grow naturally outside the body. 

After their marriage, Erik, 30, and Renate were eager to have a child. For a long time there was no success. Then, after medical tests, it was discovered that the fault lay with Renate!

A course of treatment corrected that.

[End Article Clipping]

“The Girl Who’s Now a Daddy.” Clipping. 1978. Digital Transgender Archive,

To learn more about the life of Erik Schinegger, click here.

Disclaimer: No copyright infringement is intended. These images have been made publicly available for educational purposes and may be taken down at the request of the copyright holder. All clippings are physically stored in The University of Ulster Trans-Gender Archives at University of Victoria, located in the unceded traditional territory of the Lekwungen and W̱SÁNEĆ peoples, also referred to as Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.